The Dos And Don'ts Of Test Automation

By: Nextgen | On: Oct 01, 2022 | In: Blog Posts


A Sign showing the dos and dont's of test automation

When it comes to test automation there can be many unexpected pitfalls for the unwary. Here are some of the top dos and don'ts of test automation.

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Do Break It Down If Manually Testing

Breaking down tests into shorter, more specific scenarios can be beneficial for detecting and resolving any issues that arise. Reducing the number of variables in each test makes it easier to pinpoint potential problem areas and make necessary changes.

This strategy is advantageous in manual testing, where a smaller scope allows for a deeper level of analysis. Breaking down tests into shorter scenarios can improve efficiency and accuracy in the long run.

The alternative is to employ automated testing solutions that don't share the limitations of manual testing. With an automated approach, it's possible to model complex use cases with multiple variables and run tests concurrently.

This level of control and flexibility is simply not possible with manual testing methods. In addition, automated tests can be executed more quickly and accurately than their manual counterparts, providing a higher level of coverage in a shorter amount of time.

Do Establish Priorities For Your Automated Testing Strategy

While it can be tempting to test everything at once, it's essential to establish priorities and focus on the most crucial aspects of the product first. By identifying the areas most likely to break or cause customer friction, you can ensure that these features are thoroughly tested before release.

In addition, regularly retesting crucial and core functionality can help to catch any regressions that occur as the product evolves. Automated tests are particularly well-suited for this task, as they can be easily configured to run regularly with minimal effort.

Don't Automate Everything Right Out Of The Gate

Test automation can be a powerful tool but taking the time to assess your needs before diving in is essential. In some cases, it may be more efficient to stick with manual testing methods, at least for the initial stages of development.

It's often best to start small, automating a few key tests. You can then consider when to use automation testing more broadly once you have a better understanding of how it can be integrated into your workflow.

Don't Overlook The Value Of Manual Testing

While automation is a valuable addition to your testing arsenal, it's important to remember that manual testing still has its place. It is an effective tool to validate and complement automated testing. In addition, manual testing can explore the product in unexpected ways, uncovering new and unique issues.

Manual testing should not be seen as a replacement for automated testing but rather as a supplement that provides an additional layer of protection. You can create a comprehensive testing strategy that covers all your bases by combining the two approaches.

Testing Automation Done Right

Testing automation can be a great asset, but it's essential to use it wisely. Otherwise, you may end up spending more time and effort than necessary. Remember these dos and don'ts to get the most out of your test automation efforts.

To learn more about how automated testing can benefit your business, check out Nextgen's ATAM Connect test automation platform. An automated hardware testing solution, ATAM Connect enables you to quickly create and execute tests, get real-time results, and make informed decisions about your product development process.

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