What Is Auracast? A Guide To The Latest Development In Bluetooth Audio

By: Nextgen | On: Dec 06, 2022 | In: Blog Posts

Three women listening to music on headphones which are using Auracast, the latest development in bluetooth audio

Auracast will redefine the way we engage with audio, allowing users to connect with others to share favourite streams, enjoy a more immersive experience in public spaces, and improve accessibility through enhanced sound quality.

As unlimited Bluetooth-enabled devices can connect to Auracast audio streams, seamless interoperability is imperative. At Nextgen, we have devised automated test solutions for Auracast developers to meet this challenge and establish confidence in their products as they are released to the market.

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Stream To Multiple Devices

With Auracast, a single user will be able to stream via Bluetooth to unlimited connected devices nearby, such as wireless earbuds, headphones, speakers, and next-generation hearing aids. Users will invite family and friends to enjoy what they are watching or listening to, bringing them closer and sharing their entertainment experiences.

Broadcast From Any Compatible Device

The Bluetooth LE Audio specification promises to overhaul the way users access media from phones, tablets, PCs, televisions, and other Bluetooth devices. The traditional (and often frustrating) pairing process with which users have become accustomed will no longer be necessary, as audio sharing will enable Bluetooth devices to become mobile transmitters that anyone will be able to listen to, simply by choosing the desired Auracast audio stream.

End The Silence

Auracast broadcast streams will increase user engagement in a range of public and commercial settings, such as fitness clubs, airport lounges, and hotel lobbies, where users will be able to scan a QR code or NFC tag to access a stream. Instead of scrolling through a list of connected devices, users will connect intuitively to a specific Auracast audio stream in the same way they might join an open Wi-Fi network.

Enhance The Listening Experience

Anticipated to become the next generation assistive listening technology, Auracast audio will enable users to enjoy the highest quality of sound wherever they go, with better accessibility and sound quality delivering a more immersive listening experience, even for the hard of hearing.

Get Ready For Bluetooth Audio Auracast

To see our Bluetooth automated connectivity test solutions for Auracast developers in action, please book a demo or call Nextgen on +44 3331 120 000.

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